Shot of graduation caps during commencement.
Professional Postgraduate Studies

Our Mission

*Cambridge Corporation's mission is: 
*To contribute to society through the pursuit of education,
*Learning, and research at the highest international standards.
*To foster a close relationship between teaching, scholarship, and research.

Our Aims
  • *We can help improve your language skills in an enjoyable and stimulating environment.

  • *Our mission is to deliver outstanding services to our customers by providing top-quality results.

  • *What you expect is exactly what you get.


• Quality and depth in providing all topics.

• Strong support for individual researchers as well as research groups.

• Education and training that enhances students’ ability to learn lifelong.



Over 10 years in Education

Established in 2014, the Education Development Fund is celebrating more than 10 years of making a difference in people's lives by improving education and training around the world this year. The company's name has changed with our people and leadership, but what has remained the same? Our commitment to raising educational standards; And our investment in education, from revolutionizing distance teaching to professional research in the new millennium to our comprehensive education research program today.

Our history

From ambitious beginnings as the British Trainers Center in 2014 to today's Education and Training Development Trust, a major force in improving education on a global scale - under Chris Tom's leadership, we remain focused on our mission of changing people's lives by improving education around the world.


The college’s relationship with the community

• As much access as possible for students to the community.

• The contribution that the college can make to society through pursuing, disseminating and applying knowledge.

• The college’s standing in the broader local and professional community.

• We offer full support including remote training, events, teaching and learning resources and global community membership.


• Providing world-class education through the provision of curriculum, assessment and services.

Language courses are a set of standards covering the four languagesSkills - listening, reading, speaking and writing.

The course covers all levels of professional research from the lowest level to the very high level on one scale for each skill.

These corporate leadership and organization courses are intended for people who want to measure up General proficiency in leadership using work, home, social and travelSettings and people who want to monitor their progress.

Chris Tom's  as Chief Executive

In August 2017,ChrisTom took over as CEO. Chris joined the Education Development Trust in 2015 as International Director before becoming Director of Educational Services, overseeing programs in the UK and around the world. Before joining the Education Development Fund, Chris worked in a college

British Cambridge for 10 years; He is an expert in program leadership and management of many large projects across broad and diverse geographies. Under his leadership, the Education Development Fund will continue to work with governments and policy makers to help ensure quality education for all.